
Registration for CMRC Rec Soccer is now open for girls and boys born in 2010 and 2011. 

Registration will be open through the summer and close July 31.  We plan to have an evaluation night and details will be shared once it is finalized. If you have other questions or wish to volunteer please contact our age group commissioner at cmrcsoccerboysu10commis@gmail.com 

Games are played on Saturday mornings over 8 weeks starting in early September. Games are played at Hydes Fields at 9, 10, and 11am. Please see the Directions Tab for an aerial view and address of Hydes Fields 

To give a wider variety of competition and to help keep local rec programs afloat CMRC has in the past and will likely continue to participate in a cooperative game schedule with other local rec councils in the immediate area. These rec programs also have a limited number of rec players to form teams. Please be aware that because of this co-op there may be some limited travel to other local soccer fields to play games against those rec teams. (I.e. Cockeysville) We are pleased to be teaming up with several neighboring rec programs to enhance the team pool and opportunities for competitive play. 

Rules for this age group can be found using the Rules menu above.